Par lequebecois1962 le 2 Mai 2013 à 20:43
A moment of love!
La beauté sans l'amour est comme un arbre sans fruit.
Love Don't Last Long
Chuck Howard
her mother wrote a letter,
said she thought it would be better
if she would just stay gone.
she knew of her condition,
but she wouldn't give permission
for her to come back home.
so she called the boy who loved her
but all he did was snub her,
said, "face it on your own."
mm-mm, love don't last long.
a young man got unlucky
and got busted in kentucky,
asked his dad to go his bail.
but his dad had big ambitions
with the local politicians,
told his son to go to hell.
he hung himself that morning
and the note that they found on him
said, "dad, please
take me home."
mm-mm, love don't last long.
a woman told her husband,
she lived ev'ry day to love him,
nothing else fits in her plans.
then without a warning,
he came home from work one morning,
found her there with another man.
in a fit of anger
he took her life and the stranger's,
then he took his own.
mm-mm, love don't last long.
mm, mm, mm, mm, mm,
mm, mm, mm, mm, mm,
mm, mm, mm, mm.1 commentaire
Par lequebecois1962 le 1 Mai 2013 à 04:10
J'adore la beauté féminine.
Et, je n'en ai point honte.
Pourquoi en serait-il ainsi?
La beauté est faite pour être admirée.
Et contemplée!
Une image vaut milles mots.
La féminité est en soi une marque de la divinité.
What a shame
Two packs of cigarettes a day
The strongest whiskey
Kentucky can make
That's a recipe to put a vagabond
On his hands and knees
I watched it all up close,
I knew him more than most
I saw a side of him he never showed
Full of sympathy for a world that
Wouldn't let him be
That's the man he was,
Have you heard enough?
What a shame, what a shame,
To judge a life that you can't change
The choir sings, the church bells ring
So, won't you give this man his wings?
What a shame to have to beg you to See
we're not all the same
What a shame
There's a hard life for every silver spoon
There's a touch of grey for every shade
Of blue
That's the way that I see life
If there was nothing wrong,
Then there'd be nothing right
And for this working man they say could
Barely stand
There's gotta be a better place to land
Some kind of remedy for a world that
Wouldn't let him be
That's the man he was,
Have you heard enough?
What a shame, what a shame,
To judge a life that you can't change
The choir sings, the church bells ring
So, won't you give this man his wings?
What a shame to have to beg you to
See we're not all the same
What a shame
God forgive the hands that laid you down
They never knew how much a
broken heart can break the sound and change the season
Now the leaves are falling faster,
Happily ever after
You gave me hope through your endeavors
And now you will live forever
What a shame, what a shame,
To judge a life that you can't change
The choir sings, the church bells ring
So, won't you give this man his wings?
What a shame to have to beg you to
See we're not all the same
What a shame, what a shame
'Cause we're not all the same
What a shame, what a shame
'Cause we're not all the same
3 commentaires
Par lequebecois1962 le 12 Avril 2013 à 19:35
Ma page Facebook
Je vous invite à visiter cette page un peu spéciale. Ladite page a été créée suite à mon expérience en tant que modèle nu pour plusieurs artistes tant au Québec qu’aux États-Unis et même en France. J’y publie diverses articles et photos ayant pour cadre la créativité des arts avec des modèles vivants.
Rolland St-Gelais (e mail: modelevivantaquebec@live.ca)
Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Modèle-Vivant-à-Québec/153860161332433
Un peu de musique pour agrémenter le tout.
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Par lequebecois1962 le 12 Avril 2013 à 04:15
Soyez rassurés-es!
Je ne vous oublie pas.
De toute façon, il m'est impossible d'oublier tant de beauté.
La beauté est un reflet de l'âme divin.
Mon royaume pour une beauté!
Une vie sans beauté est une vie dans la nullité.
Magnifique! N'est-ce pas?!
Un grand classique:
Their Satanic Majesties' Request
The Rolling Stones
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Par lequebecois1962 le 3 Avril 2013 à 20:31
Un commentaire serait apprécié.
Bonjour tout le monde,
Je vous invite humblement à visiter mon blogue artistique et à y laisser vos commentaires.
Bonne visite!
Lien: http://modelevivantaquebec.com/2013/04/01/ma-masculinite/
Human League
Song: Human
Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Wipe your tears
Never like to see you cry
Won't you please forgive me?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
I just needed someone to hold me
To fill the void while you were gone
To fill this space of emptiness
I'm only human
Of flesh and blood I'm made
Born to make mistakes
So many nights I longed to hold you
So many times I looked and saw your face
Nothing could change the way I feel
No-one else could ever take your place
I'm only human
Of flesh and blood I'm made
Born to make mistakes
I am just a man
Please forgive me
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
I forgive you now I ask the same of you
While we were apart I was human too
I'm only human
Of flesh and blood I'm made
I am just a man
Born to make mistakesaucun commentaire
Par lequebecois1962 le 29 Mars 2013 à 14:27
C'est vraiment une vidéo magnifique.
La beauté sans passion est une beauté sans âme.
Et une âme belle est toujours plus aisément admirée dans un corps parfait.
La beauté de la jeunesse ou la jeunese de la beauté?
Quelle est la question?!
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Par lequebecois1962 le 24 Mars 2013 à 17:35
Sensualité & tendresse
Beauté au naturel!
La nature de la beauté!
Je serai toujours un passionné de la beauté.
Regard de tendresse
Peut-on mourrir d'un manque d'amour?
Songe d'une nuit d'été!
À qui peut-elle bien penser?
Une simple pose!
Quel talent musical pour une telle beauté!
Signé : Rollyboy
5 commentaires
Par lequebecois1962 le 17 Mars 2013 à 22:24
Une pose tendresse en ce dimanche frisquet. ;-)
La beauté de la femme est une flamme qui réchauffe le coeur de l'homme.
La musique est la parole de l'âme ...
et la gracieuseté féminine est celle de la nature.
Aucune réalisation divine n'est plus digne que la beauté féminine.
Douceur musicale qui adoucit le coeur de l'Homme!
2 commentaires
Par lequebecois1962 le 12 Mars 2013 à 22:06
Un petit chef d'oeuvre!
J'adore ce style de vidéo. Et vous?!
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Par lequebecois1962 le 5 Mars 2013 à 20:56
Une beauté particulière:
Petit clin d’œil à Sylvia Kristel
Pour lire l'article cliquer sur sur ce lien:
Une vraie déesse!
J'adore tout simplement.
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